Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 25

Work is moving along. By the end of this week the two classroom wings should be ready for the pouring of the slab floors. The hole for the septic system has been excavated and a lot of rock and soil moved around to re-contour the land.

Everything is progressing well and is on schedule.

The following pictures give an idea of how things are doing.

A few courses of concrete block make up the foundation wall.

Footings being poured.

Apia Concrete supplied the concrete.

Completed footings prepared for the brickwork.

Working on the footings.

Covered workshop to keep the tools and supplies dry.

Forms being erected for the footings.

Paul Cox dropped in on the 13 of July just to make sure that there really is a building going up. As you can see, he is a true Samoan as he loves to have his picture taken. We even found a couple of the "au faigaluega" to join him.

1 comment:

Lynne said...


These are fun pictures to look at. In the first picture, are "our" houses off to the right? Are the homes that can be seen the old teacher's houses? I am still trying to get a feel for exactly where the school will be. Will you translate the Samoan for us palagi? Wish we were there!